Thursday, April 17, 2014

Egg Hunt at Julia's School

Julia and Grace all ready for the egg hunt at school despite it be a chilly day.

With all the eggs available Julia was quite determined to pick up only the pink ones at first until I told her to just pick up any before they were gone.  She still ended up with mostly pink eggs!

Julia and Grace with all their eggs!

It was so nice that Andrew could participate in the egg hunt too even though he doesn't go to school there yet.

Such happy girls!

The kids with their dads.  We love how Thomas works so close to Julia's school so he is able to take a little break from work to enjoy these special activities too.

Checking out what kind of treats she got on the egg hunt.

Heading back inside for a picnic lunch in the classroom since it was too windy outside.

1 comment:

  1. I love these pictures, they make me feel like I am there enjoying it with all of you. Just like Julia to want only pink eggs. And how nice that Andrew gets to participate again. I love that school and I only see it on the blog.
