Saturday, April 12, 2014

Easter Party

A little girl who Julia became friends with in her speech class had an Easter Party and we all attended.  It was such a beautiful day and it was an awesome party filled with many activities and prizes.

First activity was an egg hunt with over 1000 eggs.

Of course Julia searched for the pretty pink ones.

Andrew is on the hunt for some great eggs too!

Love this pretty girl!

Love this handsome boy!

Andrew was so excited to find an army guy on the egg hunt.

Such fun times with these two!

Sisterly and brotherly love.

Looking through the eggs to see what surprises were inside.

Another activity was to pass the present and when the music stopped the person holding the gift got to keep it.  The game kept going until everyone got a gift.

It was kinda funny but both Julia and Andrew got the same prize.

Another activity was a raffle.  Amazingly Julia won the raffle and the prize was a huge chocolate bunny.

Then they did a cake walk with prizes too and Julia won an Easter potato head.

Andrew won a bat and a ball at the cake walk.

Julia and her friend Jennifer who she met in speech class.

Julia was so excited and in awe that she won the chocolate bunny.  She kept saying she couldn't believe she won.

1 comment:

  1. Well, we saw that giant chocolate bunny on FACETIME and could not believe how big it was. Julia is a lucky girl. That was some party, those parents must be the original party animals!!!
