Saturday, September 7, 2013

Home Depot Workshop

Julia has done a bunch of the Home Depot Kid Workshops but this was the first one Andrew has done.  Now he's actually old enough to help make the project.  Today he had fun hammering.

Julia was busy sanding away.

More hammering for our little guy.

Julia did awesome at hammering the nails in the wood.

Finished project complete!

1 comment:

  1. Andrew and those sunglasses, Thomas is lucky he didn't hammer his fingers. Then he would be "hammer finger" instead of "hammer head", the name Megan Farrell (she and James were staying with us for a few days while their parents looked for a house in New Jersey) gave him when she was little and he came home from working with Bill with a big bump on his forehead. Anyway, Bill's fault, according to Thomas, because he gave him a defective hammer to use and the top came off and hit him in the head. We laughed about that for years after.
