Saturday, September 28, 2013

Apple Picking

At the end of September we made our annual trip up to Ellijay for apple picking at BJ Reece.  It was a beautiful day and as always we had a great time.  It's been fun to watch Julia each year apple picking since now she's very good at finding the good apples and really enjoys it and gets excited.

Daddy cut up a few apples for us to enjoy in the orchards and of course Andrew loved it since he LOVES fruit.

Julia and Andrew so excited about the apples they picked.

Julia was using her muscles to pick up the bag that was a bit more than half full.

Andrew was being a silly guy and sitting on the footrest of the stroller since our apples took up the seat.

Family photo with the beautiful mountains behind us.

Daddy and Andrew having fun!

Heaps and heaps of apples! Ready to make applesauce and apple pie.

1 comment:

  1. I love apples tell Julia and Andrew that Nana and Papa already went picking. We made a few pies, apple crisp and applesauce. Papa's job is peeling and slicing the apples, and washing the dishes when we do a pie. I make the crisp and sauce myself. Papa does not care for apple crisp because there is oatmeal in it, but he always manages to eat it if I serve it warm with ice cream!
