Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First Day of School

Wednesday, September 4 was Julia's first day of 4 year old preschool at Cumming First Baptist Church.  She was very excited to start school again and even more excited that her best friend Grace is going to be in her class again this year.  At first she was a bit reluctant about having new teachers but ecstatic about having Grace in her class.  The night before school the teachers asked the kids to sprinkle 'Ready Confetti' under their pillow for a great night sleep and they would do the same.  Cute idea and Julia enjoyed that!

Ready for bed.

Checking to be sure the confetti was still there.

All ready for school!

Her backpack still looks huge on her...maybe next year it won't look so big.

Julia and her teachers Mrs. Wyatt and Mrs. Schreiber on her first day of school.

When she came into class there was pink Play-doh for her to play with...does it get any better than that?

Well maybe since she sits right across from Grace.

Julia and Grace both wearing their favorite colors.  We are so thrilled they're in the same class again since next year they won't because we're zoned for different elementary schools based on where we live.

Julia's cubby where she hangs her backpack and lunch.

Julia and Grace leaving school together.

So happy Julia found a sweet girl to be her best these two girls!

A special treat for the first day of school and Julia decided to have her very own milkshake. Great choice indeed!

1 comment:

  1. So cute, that is an amazing school, "ready confetti", I need some of that at the start of each year, too. Love little Grace and so glad that Julia has a special friend, that is so important, to have a good buddy.
