Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Flight Home

Even though it's always hectic on us when we go to New York we had fun seeing everyone.  It's always busy trying to divide our time equally and see and do everything we want but in the end it's all worth it.  We're so glad to share with Julia and Andrew where we grew up despite having to move car seats between different cars or all sleeping in one room and our stuff all over the place as our family of four invades one of our parents' house for the week.  As we were boarding our plane to head back to Georgia the pilot asked Julia and Andrew if they'd like to sit in his seat and have their picture taken. How sweet is that?  Julia was up first and she would never even think of touching anything...she just sat and looked around and smiled.

Now Andrew on the other hand put his hands on the wheel (technically called a yoke and no I didn't know that, I googled it) and pretended to drive the plane.  He also went to touch some buttons too...like I said he is ALL boy.

He even asked for the hat since he saw Julia had it on.  He clearly wanted the full effect of being a pilot.

Watching Chuggington on the IPAD to pass some time.

Andrew liked having a snack on the plane...yummy pretzels.

They both loved riding the train that's underground and takes you around the airport.  Andrew wasn't interested in getting off and would have rode that train all day if I let him.  I guess I know what to do if a flight of ours ever gets delayed.  It was fun seeing everyone but we were glad to be home.

1 comment:

  1. I recognized the train, I have to admit, I don't like it very much. It is very nice that the kids were able to go into the cockpit, I didn't know that they ever let anyone in there besides the pilots, since 911.
