Friday, September 27, 2013

Ballet/Tap Parent Observation

It was parent observation week at ballet/tap combo class and we were all excited to go in the room to watch and listen to what Julia is learning this year.  My cute little girl waiting for class to begin.


Walking on tip toes with arms out holding the ribbons, such great form.

Time for tap.

Tap is new for us this year so she definitely kept her eyes on Miss Lauren as she's trying to figure it all out.

Definitely lots of fun when you add the sticks.

Lots of concentration.

Marching in tap shoes and making lots of noise.  Hopefully Julia continues to take dance for a while...I think it's such a great activity for her.  Definitely looking forward to the tap performance at the end of the year.

1 comment:

  1. Those shoes don't look stiff to me now, Julia is really doing a good job, she looks like a natural to me!
