Saturday, January 26, 2013

Julia Turns 4

On Saturday, January 26th we celebrated Julia's 4th birthday with a princess party at home with some of her friends.  The first present she opened in the morning was a pearl necklace and a pearl bracelet...something every princess needs.

Julia decided on a Cinderella cookie cake and again I ordered it from Publix and they did a great job...we were all impressed and it was so yummy.

The bigger kids ate in the dining room and the younger kids ate in the kitchen.

Julia's Happy Birthday Banner.

Our princess herself enjoying her lunch.  Oh...and she loves the birthday crown she got from her teachers at school.

Everyone singing Happy Birthday!

I think the singing is her favorite part of the party but I could be wrong.

Make a wish!

Ready for some cake.  Gotta love my crown...Julia's friend Sunny wanted me to wear it and said I was the Queen.  Haha.  Wish I would have taken a group photo since most of the girls wore princess dresses but it was busy and it slipped my mind.


Opening presents!

Testing out the new pink headphones with the IPAD and watching DocMcstuffins.

I saw these Tinkerbell jammies and had to get them for her since they came with a tutu that you wear to bed.  Julia thinks they're the best!  She couldn't believe you could wear the tutu to bed...what could be better than that.

Julia and Daddy before bedtime.  There isn't a day that goes by when I don't think about how lucky I am to have such a sweet girl.  She truly is a blessing and we love her to pieces!  We definitely had a great day but I learned I won't have her friend party on the same day as her actual party.  I felt so busy getting everything ready before the party and cleaning up after that I didn't get to spend as much time with my birthday girl as I wanted...luckily she wanted to stay up late since she was so excited about all her presents.  Maybe as she gets older it will be different but we'll see.


  1. I thought I already commented on this entry, but here I go again. Thank you for sharing the party and all the happenings, I always feel bad because I miss so much of the important things going on in Julia and Andrew's life. I can get a good idea of everything from the pictures and your descriptions. I really think that cake was amazing, very nice.

  2. I almost forgot to mention that I love the picture of Julia and Thomas, there is something about little girls and their Daddies. You can see how much they love each other.
