Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Julia Makes me Laugh

Julia rarely wears regular clothes around the house anymore.  As soon as we get home from somewhere she immediately changes into something a bit more fancy like a tutu or a ballet outfit or a bathing suit in the winter or an assortment of things she really likes.  Today when we got home she went upstairs and changed and came down in this outfit and it just makes me laugh and smile...even now as I'm writing this.  

She even did some different poses so I could take some photos.

Absolutely hilarious and from now on I'm going to take photos of her different outfit choices.  She's such a fun and happy little girl who I love with all my heart!


  1. She loves that tunic you got her at Naartijie.

  2. Julia might be a costume designer, she certainly puts together quite a few different combos. Those leg warmers are really cute. Rock on Julia!!!!
