Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sleeping Beauty

Usually Julia doesn't take a nap anymore but once in a while she does.  This day she piled up all the pillows and laid on them and feel asleep.  Looks comfy to me!

Unfortunately she still sucks her thumb...any suggestions to help her stop?  I'm not really interested in putting anything on her thumb that taste bad, based on what I've read that's just cruel.  We've tried doing some positive reinforcement and it works at times but if she's tired then she likes to suck her thumb.  An orthodontist can put an appliance in the roof of her mouth so her thumb won't fit but I'm hoping she'll stop on her own and that doesn't seem to be the case.  We'll discuss it with her dentist again at her next appointment to see what he thinks.  Regardless she's a great sleeper since she has something that relaxes her.

1 comment:

  1. Don't know anything about thumb suckers, ask AnneMarie they had a hard time stopping Georgia when she was little.
