Thursday, August 4, 2011

Holding Head

Andrew is such a strong little boy! He is so fascinated with the star from his play mat that lights up and plays music that I use it when he does tummy time. He just holds his head up and stares at it. If he's lying down on his play mat and it's playing above him then he smiles and talks to's so cute! Funny enough but Julia absolutely loved the star too when she was a baby. It actually broke a few times and I always ran to Babies R Us to get a new one since it was her favorite, hopefully we don't have any trouble with this one. So far, so good! He's such a cutie and we're all enjoying the new things he's doing.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT JOB Andrew! He is certainly strong!!!! That was such a long time for him to keep his head up. I recognize the outfit I got him that was way too big in July, now it fits him. He is growing like a weed.
