Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Andrew - 2 months old

On Tuesday we had Andrew's 2 month check-up. He's growing and getting much bigger which makes perfect sense since he's eating every two hours during the day and every 2-4 hours at night. He weighed 12 pounds 9.5 ounces and was 23 1/4 inches long which puts him at the 75 percentile for both weight and height. It's a bit different with Andrew since it took Julia 7 months to get to the same weight as Andrew at only 2 months old. I knew Julia was little but now I'm realizing just how little she was her first year of life. Andrew is doing more interacting with us now and we're loving it! I absolutely love the big smile he gives you when you're playing with him! We're so lucky to have him as our son.

1 comment:

  1. Love the outfit and he looks so handsome. Can't wait to hold him again.
