Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Welcome to Disney

 We're here!  Less than 7 hours and we made it!

So excited to be at Disney World again!  We're all so happy and can't wait for our vacation!  

We've all been looking forward to this Disney trip for a while now and it's hard to believe the time has come to create our magical memories.  The kids were beyond ecstatic to see Nana and Papa!  Julia was most excited about seeing Nana and Papa which was so sweet since that had nothing to do with Disney World.  Lots of hugs for Papa upon arrival!

This is Nana's first visit to Florida and we're so glad we got to experience it with her.  Lots of hugs for Nana too!

Papa and Andrew with their matching magic bands and Andrew's favorite color too.

Patiently waiting for our rooms to be ready since we got there early.

Walking around and checking out Coronado Springs Resort.

Andrew was definitely Papa's buddy over the next few days.

Julia was thrilled with the present left in our room for her.  5 Disney Fairy figurines.

Andrew loved his arrival gift of Pluto.

After we unpacked we headed to Celebration for dinner and saw a pay phone...when was the last time you saw a pay phone?

Nana and Papa with the kids in Celebration.  Enjoying the cute town and our visit together.

Love our family of 4 and so thankful to be on vacation together.

On our way to dinner and it started raining.

Don't they look cute?

So glad to be in Florida all on vacation.

Just the boys at dinner.

Just the girls at dinner.

All the adults got lobster for dinner and the kids were trying on our bibs.

Inside the restaurant we saw a Red Sox seat and it definitely made us think of my dad and my brother who both love the Boston Red Sox.

Looking beautiful and ready to go.

Ready to head back to the resort and get ready for our day at Magic Kingdom.


  1. So much fun! Glad we made it. Thank you for all the pictures. You always capture the right moments Nicole.

  2. Wish I was still there. We lucked out with nice weather, short lines and no back to school colds for the kids.
