Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Boosterthon Fun Run

Julia's school decided to do the Boosterthon Fun Run again this year as their fundraiser.  I like the aspect of physical fitness but they really push the kids to get a ton of pledges and that's just not for me.  I'd rather just donate a certain amount...especially since Boosterthon takes a big portion of the money raised.  Anyways, it is what it is.  Julia and one of the first friends she met in her class this year Nia.  Nia and Julia sit next to each other in class.

Off they go!

The look of determination.

I absolutely love this girl!

Julia and her friend Braya found each other and ran a few laps holding hands.

Now three friends running together and holding hands.

Another lap and rounding the corner.  I kept telling her to stop and get water but she just kept on running and said no water.  Later she told me why get water when you can run.  She really did amazing!

All done and still smiling and barely sweating.  I guess she doesn't sweat much and takes after me.

44 laps which is almost 3 miles!  WOW!

Look how happy she looks!  I don't look that happy nor that good if I ran 3 miles.  Way to go Julia!

Julia and her good friend from class Braya.  This year she mostly talks about Braya and oddly enough she has a brother who is in the same preschool class as Andrew.

Showing how many laps they ran. Way to go girls!

1 comment:

  1. So proud of Julia for running that far!!! Love the pictures with her friends and her together.
