Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

My choice for Mother's Day was to go up to Blue Ridge and go strawberry picking so that's just what we did.  It was a great day spending time with my family!  I'm so lucky to be a mom to these two cuties!

 Family photo before we head out to the field to pick strawberries.

 Little did we know that each person who went into the field had to pick a gallon of strawberries.  Let's just say Thomas and I did a ton of picking while Julia and Andrew did a ton of eating.  Actually Julia helped pick a lot but Andrew not so much.

 He mostly ate them!  Hey after all we needed someone to taste test them, right?

Julia checking out one of the gallons of strawberries!  I must say there is nothing better than fresh strawberries!  Afterwards we went to downtown Blue Ridge and found a great sandwich place for a late lunch.  It was such a great way to spend Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Looks liket it was a good day Nicole! You deserve a special day. The strawberries look delicious. Now I'm hungry for a strawberry pie.
