Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Mother's Day Tea

Celebrating Mother's Day with this handsome boy at his school was a special treat for me.

You're bound to have a good time with this little guy.  Although I must say he got upset with me at the tea because I took off some of his icing from his cupcake.  It was piled up just as tall as the cupcake...too much icing but he got over it and enjoyed the cupcake and half of the icing.

These questionnaires are always so cute!  I'm forever grateful that Andrew thinks I'm good at cooking dinner like spaghetti.  I feel absolutely blessed to be a stay at home mom and I'm so fortunate to be around to do things like this for my kids.

Part of Andrew's class after the Mother's Day Tea.  I had a great time celebrating Mother's Day with my little guy at his school.

1 comment:

  1. I love those special times in school like that! Andrews answers were precious. The picture of the kids is adorable!
