Sunday, May 31, 2015

Julia's Wild Wild West Dance Performance

We were excited to watch Julia perform in another one of Cumming Dance Academy's end of the year show.  This year the theme is Wild Wild West.  Julia performed twice, once for ballet and once for tap.

A few pictures before dress rehearsal.

Julia and her BFF Grace from preschool.

All nine girls in Julia's class ready to dance.

Love the cute little wave.

Ballet dress rehearsal was up next.

All smiles and ready to practice.

Such great form!

Julia is the one with her back completely facing the camera.

Love her expression in this one once you zoom in.

These girls are more than ready to perform on stage in front of lots of people.

 Are you ready for some fun?

 Hugs for preschool BFF's.

A behind shot of these cute ballet costume.

This year I volunteered backstage which was something new for me.  It was a fun experience seeing the behind the scenes of what goes on put on such an amazing performance.

All smiles and ready to go on stage.

Julia and Grace ready to perform their dance routine.

A handful of girls in Julia's class waiting to go on stage.

Our cute little dancer deserved some flowers for all her hard work.

Way to go Julia for completing another year of dance.

Family photo with our little dancer.

We're very thankful Nana came into town to see Julia's dance performance.  It sure was a special treat for Julia!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Snuggling with Nana

Andrew definitely likes to snuggle and Nana was more than happy to snuggle with this little guy.  I hope he enjoys snuggling for a very long time because I'll be one sad Mommy the day he doesn't want to snuggle anymore.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Summer Learning time

I bought both the kids Summer learning books and Monday-Friday they need to complete one page (front and back) and then I usually make up something else little I know they need to practice.  Thus far the kids have been great about completing their learning activities and here's Andrew practicing writing his name.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Reading with Dad

We've started our summer reading and every time we go to the library Julia likes to get a few Mr. Putter and Tabby books since Daddy likes them.  Lucky Julia was still awake when Daddy came home late from work and got to hear one of the stories.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Heatwave drawing

Lately Andrew has been into a show called Rescue Bots which is about transformers.  So far he has 5 different transformers which he loves.  The other day he drew Heatwave which totally impressed me so of course I had to take a photo.  I think Julia drew the wheels and Andrew did everything else but not to shabby for a three year old!

Looks like he'll take after Daddy with his drawing skills because I surely can't draw.  Way to go Andrew!

Double Bikes

The double bikes were a huge hit!  Thomas and Andrew tested them out while I was in Mexico and Julia was in school.  They were right when they said they were fun!  Julia and I rode together and Thomas and Andrew rode together.  Girls together and boys together!  I've always loved riding my bike and now we can do it as a family.

It was such a beautiful day on the Greenway and we're so lucky the trail head is so close to our house.

Look at these two cuties!  Of course a pink bike for Julia and a green one for Andrew!  You wouldn't believe how many people commented on how neat the bikes were and how fun it looked.  Can't wait to use them at the beach and explore the area of Santa Rosa Beach on these!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Camp out with Dad

Andrew has been wanting to camp out downstairs with Daddy for a while now and since Memorial Weekend is always the official start of summer it seemed like a perfect time.  They set up the tent in the family room and slept downstairs while Julia and I had a sleepover in her room.  It was fun playing tricks on each other and playing board games and having some special treats.

First Trip to the Pool

The first trip to the pool each year is always fun!  Even though the water was cool the kids didn't mind at all.  Thomas and I didn't go in the water and actually I don't think there were any adults in the water.  We're waiting a little bit for the water to warm up but the kids didn't seem to mind one bit.

Julia and Andrew had fun playing together!

Julia's pulling Andrew to the side.

Swimming and having a good old time.  Looking forward to many more visits to the pool this year!

Andrew's First People Drawing

Look at this cute drawing Andrew did of me and him.  I especially love how big our smiles are in this picture. We're so happy!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Julia's Last Day of School

So hard to believe today is Julia's last day of Kindergarten.  Where has the year gone?  Her teacher sent home their writing journal yesterday and she enjoyed reading all her entries.

Haleigh's mom and I surprised the girls on the last day of school and ate lunch with them.

Of course the boys came too along with their transformers.

Haleigh, Jennifer and Julia!

Water balloons are ready to go!  It should be fun getting each other wet.

After school we surprised the kids with a water fight. We had water balloons and lots of different water squirters.  Julia thought it would be fun to smash a water balloon over her head.  She has such a fun spirit and outlook on life.

Julia and Case getting each other.

Julia trying to get me.

Julia filled up a bunch of pencil squirters and was ready to get people wet.

Case ready to get somebody wet.

Julia was quite wet and then decided to hop into the bucket of water.  Such a silly girl!

Then of course Andrew did the same thing!  I didn't get any pictures of Haleigh since she didn't like getting wet and didn't participate.  Thomas came home early to join in the fun and both of us got really wet!  Such a fun way to start the summer!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Julia's End of Year Party

It's hard to believe Julia will be finishing up Kindergarten in just a few days.  To celebrate the end of the year her class had a Minute to Win it party.  The first station was to complete these puzzles.

Next up was called Junk in the Trunk.  She had to shake her booty to get all the ping pong balls out of the tissue box.

Isn't she the cutest little girl shaking away?

Love her fun personality!

Andrew came to the party too and just played transformers with Case.  It was so nice for him to have a friend to play with while all the kids were doing the activities.

The next station was to wrap up each other like a mummy with toilet paper.  Julia had such fun wrapping up Olivia.

Next it was Julia's turn to get wrapped up and that was fun too!

The last station was to move the Skittles from one bowl to another with a straw.  Once you get the hang of it, it's quite easy but you need to suck hard on the straw to hold the Skittle.

Julia and Haleigh.  Definitely her best friend in the class!

All the kids got a candy bar award.

Checking out her award!  

Julia got the M&M award for being a 'marvelous' and 'magnificently' hard worker.  

Love these two girls!  So glad Julia met Haleigh this year...she's a sweet girl!

We totally loved her teachers this year and we're very thankful she had such a great year.  Julia is really going to miss Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Martin.