Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Andrew's Bed

Everyday Andrew is becoming more and more of a big boy.  No more diapers during the day or at night and now he's sleeping in a big boy bed.  I must admit I was kinda sad to convert the crib into the bed and Andrew was so sweet and gave me lots of hugs and said it would be okay.  It's just another reminder how quickly my babies are growing up.  I remember shopping for that crib for Julia and setting it up and now we're converting it into a bed.  Sad but happy at the same time.  Andrew and Julia were great helpers.

First night sleeping in his bed and he had a sleepover with Julia.  It took them forever to fall asleep but I wasn't surprised.  There was lots of talking and giggling and playing going on.

Lots of room in Andrew's bed.

Enjoying all the space to himself for a few minutes before Julia hopped in with him.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew is growing up too fast for me. Glad that he likes his new bed.
