Thursday, March 27, 2014

Wild West Day

We enjoyed another great Wild West Day at Julia's preschool with her best friend Grace.  First up was the hayride before the line got long. The day started off a little chilly but it warmed up quickly.

The last time Julia's preschool had an activity with the big slide I had to climb up it a ton with Andrew but this time he did it all by himself.  He had such a great time too!

One of the activities was galloping around on a horse.  Everything was super cute...the kids would do an activity and then earn a coin. Then they could bring their coins to the trading post and trade their coins for a little prize.  Such fun for the kids!

Julia and Grace wanted to wait in line to get their faces painted and of course they picked the same thing.

Back to the slide for more fun!

The three of them climbing the ladder.

Julia having fun! We stayed until they closed the slide and watched them take it down which made Andrew quite upset.  I tried getting a photo of him but it didn't work out.  Lucky for him he'll get to participate in these fun activities next year since he'll be going to school at Cumming First Baptist Church Preschool which is hard to believe.

1 comment:

  1. I am so surprised to see that Julia is taller than Grace. They are so cute together!!!
