Saturday, March 1, 2014

Frozen Birthday Party

One of the girls from Julia's ballet class, McKinzley, had a Frozen theme birthday party at the ice skating ring.  Julia has never ice skated before but she was excited to try it out...actually none of the girls ice skated before so it was a first for everyone and I must say they all did great!  I wasn't quite sure how Julia would do but I was quite impressed.  She was able to walk alone in the ice skates and I wasn't even sure she would be able to do that with some of her trouble with balancing.  The girls pictured above McKinzley, Peyton (I think...a twin and it's so hard to tell them apart), Jaiden, Reagan, Kyla, Presley (the other twin), Julia and Arden.  Everyone needed to hold an adults hand while on the ice and it was always easier if they had two adults to hold onto so we had a long line of us all holding hands with the kids between us.  Thomas was out of town for the weekend so thankfully a friend watched Andrew for me because I didn't know how I would manage two kids who had never skated before on my own.

So proud of Julia for trying hard!  She was still smiling and this was at the end of our time on the ice.  Such a fun party!


  1. She looks so cute standing there all by herself. Also, I noticed that none of the other little girls are blondes like our little Julia. She is a beauty.
