Sunday, March 30, 2014


Thomas has wanted to brew his own beer for a while now and recently he brewed his first batch but the only picture taken was of the beer in a glass.  This time I took a few photos during the process.  I don't know much about the process but here he is stirring the grains.

Beats me what's going on here...looks like he's filtering something but who knows.  Anyways I'm really proud of him for learning how to do it and it's amazing but the last batch he brewed came out really good.  I admit I was hesitant to try it at first (I'm not much into taste testing new things) but after I did I really liked it.  This time he's trying a pale ale and even made cider as well.  I'm sure they'll both be great!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to try some more of Tom's brewing this summer. I have never had hard cider,
