Thursday, March 20, 2014

My Birthday

I love how Julia, Andrew and Daddy all worked together to make the dessert for my birthday.  They asked what I wanted and this year my request was a chocolate truffle.  Brownies, pudding, cool whip, and strawberries...super yummy!  I probably only make this once a year, if that, but it's such a delicious dessert.

Julia and Andrew were so excited to help make the dessert and even more excited to eat it tomorrow for my birthday.

Thomas had a night meeting on my birthday but it was nice since it was a really short one and he was home a little after 6:00.  That's when we got to do the 'surprise party' Julia planned with balloons, streamers and poppers along with presents and dessert.  So thankful for my sweet family.


  1. Delicious dessert, tell them I want a piece. I am very impressed that Thomas made that, he's my boy!!!

  2. Well Julia pretty much made the brownies with only a little help from me and I coached them on how to assemble it.

  3. Great team effort and a nice family activity.
