Thursday, February 6, 2014

Teddy Bear Parade

The teddy bear parade was scheduled for Thursday, January 30th but because of the snow and ice school was cancelled and then it was rescheduled for Thursday, February 6th...only two days after Julia's surgery.  What a bummer because we already made the float and Julia was excited about it and now she might not be able to make it.  I've heard from many others recovery for adenoids and tubes isn't bad at all and she might be feeling well enough to attend.  We said if she was feeling well enough we would let her go to just the parade which would only last about 30 minutes.  Thankfully the day before she was up and singing by the afternoon and ate a normal dinner and felt fine the next morning.

 All ready to go upstairs for the parade.

 Here she comes.

Oh and it was also pajama day and she missed the last pajama day at school right before Christmas break so she was super excited she got to wear them today.

 Julia's float which was definitely a family effort...minus Andrew of course.

 After the parade I went to pick up Julia in her class and they were having a little picnic.  Julia came up to me and said I'm having so much fun I don't want to leave.  Of course they had other fun things planned and she was feeling good so I let her stay for about an hour.  Andrew and I ran to one store in town and then went back and got her.

 One picture of Julia and her float.  

 Of course Julia and her best friend Grace.  So glad she met such a sweet girl.

On our way out of school.  So glad she got to participate in the Teddy Bear Parade and pajama day because after all these are the things that are most important to a 5 year old...hence they're important to us too!

1 comment:

  1. That is such an amazing school! Tell Julia I love her float. Also, those pajamas are getting quite a lot of wear, so glad.
