Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Julia's Recovery

On Tuesday, February 4th Julia had surgery and had her adenoids removed and tubes put in her ears.  We've been having repeated ear infections and sinus infections and after seeing an ENT we've been advised to remove her adenoids since they are large. Since she just had an ear infection in December and again in January in addition to others throughout the past year I asked about the possibility of tubes.  After talking with the doctor's office and telling the doctor her history he agreed tubes would be a good thing.  Everything went great with the surgery and the doctor said it was good we put tubes in since her left ear had fluid and was kinda a mess.  Hopefully by doing this surgery Julia will feel better more often.  She threw up twice after leaving the hospital which they told us to expect...she needed to get that anesthesia out of her system but felt much better after that.  The morning after surgery she just lied around and watched TV with her baby and mommy lamb.  She's had the baby lamb since she was a baby and we gave her the mommy lamb the day she went to the hospital.  Despite not feeling the greatest she still wanted to get dressed and put on a tutu.

One of the pros was being able to have things like ice cream, milkshakes, and popsicles.  Anything soft and anything to promote drinking so milkshakes it was.

Andrew got to take advantage of the yummy milkshake even though he didn't have surgery...what a lucky boy!  

We also got her a sticker book since she needs to take it easy for a week.  I'm so glad the surgery is over and it went well since many times I had trouble falling asleep at night thinking about it.  Obviously I feel bad that she had to go through something like that but we're hopeful about what it will do for her.  We love our little girl and it's hard seeing your child not feeling well.  

1 comment:

  1. Just like her father getting the adenoids out. Andrew is probably glad about it because of all the treats.
