Monday, February 3, 2014

Julia's Birthday at School

 Monday was quite the busy day for me with celebrating Julia's birthday at school since school was cancelled two days last week when we were scheduled to celebrate, Thomas' birthday (he turns 40), and finalizing everything for Julia's surgery tomorrow in addition to talking with the doctor's office about the possibility of putting tubes in her ears at surgery.  Anyways, Julia was so excited about me coming into her class to celebrate her birthday.  I love how excited she looks when she saw me and the how the treats came out.

Still hard to believe I have a 5 year old.  Feel so blessed in many ways that Julia is our little girl.  She definitely loves her birthday crown she got from school.  

Minnie Mouse brownies with each child's first initial in pink icing.  Making her wish and blowing out her candle.

Julia and her best friend Grace getting a stamp for moving their clip up on the behavior chart.  I love how they can move their clip up a few times for making good choices.  

Of course a photo of Julia and Grace.

1 comment:

  1. She is looking so much older to me. I can see her excitement too, actually, I could feel it myself. Love Grace and Julia together.
