Thursday, February 13, 2014

Boyce's Visit

My brother and his family drove into town with my mom the morning of our second snow storm of the season.  The kids did some coloring to pass the time while we waited for family to arrive...Julia was absolutely thrilled to have everyone come and visit.

With all the snow we decided we needed to build a snowman since the snow didn't pack well with our last storm and plus now we had lots of extra help.  My niece's boyfriend, Michael, proved to be a great help even though he lives in South Carolina.

Julia was all excited to have eyes, nose, mouth and arms for our snowman.

My niece Chelsea was in charge of sculpting.

Michael even had the idea of adding a little seat in front of the snowman for Julia and we were lucky enough to have Beckett Bear from her classroom at home with us during the snow storm.  

Photo of those who worked on the snowman.  My niece Chelsea, her boyfriend Michael, Julia, me and Chelsea's cousin Jenna.

We had fun having everyone at our house during the snow storm even though I'm sure these New Yorkers thought it was funny that everything was shut down but it worked out well since Thomas' work was closed so he was able to enjoy all the fun as well.  Can't wait for their next visit and hopefully it will be nice weather next time.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics, I see Julia was still wearing her tutu in the snow, you gotta love it. That's an unbelievable snowman for Atlanta!!!! I love the last pic, all the adults are smiling and look like they are having tons of fun and the kids look stars truck. Did the adults have some "beverages"?
