Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Since Julia is in the 4 year prek class at school she usually gets one sheet on homework on Monday and turns it in on Wednesday since she doesn't go to school on Tuesdays.  Thus far it's been practicing writing her letters.  I still try to do some learning time with her during the week while Andrew is napping and we recently started learning some sight words.  She can now read the following sight words in isolation the, can, is, on, and, my, a, did, yellow.  She's also reading some of the BOB books too and it's pretty exciting.  We're also working on adding number together too.  She's definitely more into writing now and will often ask how to spell something so she can write a note.  It's really cute to see her excitement!


  1. Now I am almost crying again! I don't want Julia to grow up. She is so beautiful and smart , what a jewel!

  2. BTW, I can't believe that they give homework in preschool!!!! I think it is a good idea to get them used to it, but they don't even give homework in Kindergarten here.

  3. They give homework in Kindergarten here but I'm not sure how much. Probably reading and practicing sight words but next year we'll see.
