Sunday, October 20, 2013

Here we go

Lately I've been thinking that Andrew has been showing some signs of being ready to potty train but in reality I wasn't ready but I also didn't want to miss my opportunity.  Before bath we have him sit on the potty and often times he goes to the bathroom so I thought maybe he's ready.  So on Sunday at 10:00 I said let's give it a try.  It was definitely nice having Thomas and Julia around to help out with cleaning the accidents and getting him dry clothes.  He definitely was successful at going pee in the potty 6 times that day but he also had probably 6 accidents.  On Monday morning I continued on with the potty training but knew it was going to be difficult with having to bring Julia to school and continue or daily activities and not being confined to the house.  By 10:00 that morning he had 3 accidents and I was realizing this wasn't the best time for our family to potty train so I put him back in a diaper.  Thomas agreed he probably wasn't ready since when he was going he would only go a little bit...I mean who goes to the bathroom more than 12 times in one day.  Another sign of readiness is they stay dry for about 2 hours and obviously that wasn't Andrew.  I think I'll try again around the Christmas holiday when we're able to stay home for a few days and then he'll be 2 1/2 years old and maybe more ready but we'll see.  He definitely looked cute in his big boy underwear.

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