Friday, October 11, 2013

Andrew and his lovey

Andrew is such a big fan of his lovey and I actually think it's cute.  Julia gave it to him as a gift when he was born and he absolutely loves it.  He always sleeps with it and really likes to take it with him when he leaves the house but he's very good about leaving it in the car.  It's a little hippo face attached to a little blanket with four corners and he even has a favorite corner that he can tell which one it is by how it cute is that?  Oh yeah, can't forget about his skinned knees...he fell on the driveway the other day and was so upset about it and cried as I cleaned it and even ripped off the band-aid I put on.  Love his big 'cheese' smile in the second picture!  


  1. Yes, I love that second picture as well!!!!

  2. I just looked at the picture again, what is on his hand, a mosquito bite? Looks so red.

  3. No, it's a stamp that Julia gave him.

  4. Good, because it looked like sore to me.
