Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fall Festival

Each year Julia's preschool has a Fall Festival and this year it happened to be on Halloween so we had a very busy day.  I love how I was able to coordinate their Halloween costumes this year since I know it may be the last year for that.  Julia decided a while back...maybe in May or June (after our Disney trip) she wanted to be Minnie Mouse for Halloween and I was trying to think of something Andrew liked and it came to me...Mickey Mouse.  He really isn't 'into' anything so I asked him if he wanted to be Mickey Mouse and he was very excited!  Julia and Andrew are standing in front of the scarecrows Julia's class made.  Each class makes something to decorate the path into school.

Even managed to get Andrew to wear his hat for a little bit so I could take a photo.

They start by doing a parade and sweet Julia waved and smiled when she saw me.

Such a cute Minnie Mouse...hopefully we'll go see Minnie Mouse again soon at Disney World.

Julia's class with her teachers after the parade and before the Fall Festival begins.

Grace as Sleeping Beauty and Julia as Minnie Mouse.  Actually Grace was Minnie Mouse last year.

The cute scarecrow Julia made for the Fall Festival.

Andrew loved eating the snacks at the Fall Festival.

Julia and her friend Reagan from her ballet/tap class.

They also got to decorate and eat a cookie and Andrew LOVED it and even wanted another one but one was plenty.

Sweet picture with the scarecrow decoration.

Before going on all the bounce houses and slides Julia changed so she wouldn't ruin her dress.  She loved the slide again this year and did it over and over again.  

Andrew loved it too but would only do it with me.  So yes I climbed up the ladder and slid down many times.  Gotta love his facial expression...he LOVED it!

One of the bounce house he could do alone and he loved that too.  Such a great day for a Fall Festival filled with snacks, games, bounce houses and heaps of fun.  Julia and Grace spent the day together and we all had a picnic lunch afterwards.  What a fun morning!

1 comment:

  1. My favorite one of these is the second shot. Andrew enjoying his cupcake is so cute, too.
