Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sight Words

It's always nice having one on one time with Julia and lucky for us that happens everyday while Andrew takes his afternoon nap.  I always try and get in some kind of learning time during Andrew's nap but that doesn't always happen and that's okay too.  It's the perfect time for us to work on letters, numbers and of course learning how to read or do a craft without having to worry about Andrew getting into the supplies.  We sure love our little guy but he loves to get into everything!  Here Julia is working on sight words on, and, the and is.  These words appear in her Bob books that we're reading so I decided those were a great start.  Julia can read the first handful of Bob books (with little help) and we're SO proud!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of our Julia!!!! It is so amazing that you can work with her like that. We have those exact same stamps in school. Keep up the good work!
