Tuesday, March 12, 2013

So sweet!

Julia is just the sweetest 4 year old I know and obviously I'm biased but she does so many kind things that it makes me smile and my heart melt.  Both Julia and Andrew are fans of fruit snacks just like most other kids and Andrew always gobbles his down as fast as he can as if we're going to take them away from him and Julia eats them at a much slower pace.  Hence Andrew always finishes his first and Julia always shares what she has left with him.  It hasn't just happened once or twice but probably most every time. It can be fruit snacks or some other kind of dessert but she always shares with him or Thomas and myself.  It's always so sweet and ever so kind and thoughtful.  I hope she continues this great character trait as she gets older!

1 comment:

  1. That little Julia is as sweet as can be, so sensitive for a little girl of her age. She has good teachers, her mother and father!!!
