Sunday, March 31, 2013


Happy Easter everyone!  We had a great Easter with Nana and Papa visiting us from New York.  They arrived the night before Easter and Julia was so excited about their visit.  She took a nap on Saturday so she could stay up late and surprise Nana and Papa at the airport.  I think they were shocked to see her since they didn't expect to see her until Easter morning.  Of course Andrew woke up early and we waited until Julia got up to find their baskets and go on the egg hunt.  The Easter bunny was nice to Andrew and brought him some Legos along with some new cars and a truck book along with a few treats.  Julia was real sweet and helped Andrew find his basket which was in the dining room.  Too excited to get dressed so we did the Easter activities in their jammies.

Julia found her basket quickly and the Easter bunny brought her some doll crafts, book, outfit for her baby, stickers and a few treats too.

Andrew loves his new little matchbox cars.

Julia was very good at finding the eggs and even hid this egg again so Andrew could find it.

Andrew even put a rolo in his mouth without taking off the wrapper.  We've got to watch him...he's real quick!

Julia and Andrew after mass.  Gotta love her pose.

Nana and Papa with Julia and Andrew.

Thomas already changed before I could take some photos so just me and my kiddos.

Andrew is all smiles.  Love this kid to pieces!  He has such a fun personality and just a happy little guy.

Andrew immediately loved Papa as I knew he would.  I really wasn't surprised since Andrew is such a big fan of Thomas.

Playing with all the eggs.  Hope you had a wonderful Easter!

1 comment:

  1. I just relived our GREAT visit with all of you! All the pictures are good, but I think the picture of you and Andrew is the best. You should make it your profile picture on FB!
