Friday, April 5, 2013

Visit with Nana and Papa

We had a great visit with Nana and Papa and we were very sad to see them go.  Andrew loved playing with Papa and even wanted me to leave the playroom one time when he was in there playing with Papa.    Who needs mom when Nana and Papa are around?

We even had a few nice days and were able to make it to the park on a beautiful afternoon once Andrew woke up from nap.

Papa and Andrew.  It's really cute but Andrew is quite the fan of Papa.  If Papa left the room Andrew would always say, 'Where's Papa?'

A quick photo of Nana and Papa with Julia and Andrew before we headed out to dinner.  Thanks for coming to visit!  Can't wait to see you again.

1 comment:

  1. We had soooo much fun and can't wait to return!!! We miss Julia and Andrew very much, too.
