Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Happy Birthday Andrew

On Sunday we celebrated Andrew turning one!  It was such a special day as we remembered the day he was born and became part of our family.  We love you Andrew!

We all enjoyed a cookie cake for dessert.  It was yummy!

The grocery store Publix gives you a free smash cake for the first birthday. Of course it's a bonus that they use white frosting.

Looking handsome on his first birthday.

I printed 12 pictures of Andrew (one for each month) and of course Andrew had to try and pull it off the door.

Although the lion wasn't a birthday present it was the first time he sat on it and he loved it.  He thought he was so cool.

As soon as the cake came within reach Andrew reached out for it and grabbed some.

Just checking it out..not quite sure what to think.

Doing more exploring but not really eating it.

He still doesn't know what to think but tries some anyways.  

Trying some.  Actually he didn't really eat much...he mostly just played with it.

Oh no...what happened to my cake.

We love this little guy...he's such a happy and sweet little boy.

Looks like Andrew is trying to get Daddy messy with his cake filled hands.

Julia loved the cookie cake and here she is being sneaky so she can have another bite of cake.  Of course I wasn't helping as I was taking pictures of it all.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures,I would like to put the cake pictures of Andrew in a little video and I love that Julia has a little bit of the devil in her sneaking more cake.
