Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Andrew's 1 Year Well Visit

 Today we had Andrew's 1 year well visit with Dr. Bleekrode.  Andrew did great at his appointment and below are his measurements and percentiles.
Height: 29 3/4 inches 50 percentile
Weight: 18 lbs. 13.5 oz. 5-10 percentile
Head: 47.5 cm. 75-90 percentile
Basically our little guy is average height but super skinny with a big head and we love every ounce of him.

Andrew is just changing everyday.  Now that he's getting older he usually doesn't nurse as long or fall asleep while nursing anymore.  So after he nurses at bedtime I ask him if he wants to read a book and he just smiles and looks over at his baskets of books. He actually lets me read him a book and he turns the pages.  Granted the books are short but I'm loving that he sits on my lap and listens to a book.  Then I ask for a kiss and he turns towards me with his mouth wide open...so cute.  Julia use to do the same thing and I always thought it was so cute and now Andrew does it too!  It's hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew looks so handsome in those pictures. It looks so nice with you both barefooted and in jeans. He looks so proud of himself.
