Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Water Time

I know I haven't posted anything in a while but Julia had a really bad cough and it caused some trouble with her asthma.  Lots of visits to the doctors and even a 2am trip to Scottish Rite Emergency Room to get some help with her breathing.  I was so worried about her that I hardly even took out my camera for a week.  Thankfully she is feeling better and things are getting back to normal.  There was one day late last week where Julia was at the end of her asthma flare up that we got a chance to play outside in our little pool.  It was Andrew's first time in the pool and he loved it.

Julia continues to love playing in and with the water.

Andrew loved splashing in the water.

And crawling around after the balls.

Julia loved using the hose to water anything and everything in sight.  We definitely had fun enjoying the nice weather and getting the chance to cool off.  I truly enjoyed watching them laugh and have fun and took advantage of those little moments that are so big.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Climbing Stairs

Andrew is climbing the stairs and sliding back down.  He loves it and when you ask him what he's doing he just smiles.  Now we always need to keep the gate locked or else he'll see it's open and start climbing up.

Sliding back down.  Way to go Andrew!

Shaving Cream

While Andrew was taking his afternoon nap Julia and I used some of Daddy's shaving cream to practice writing her name.  She knows how to spell it but we need to work on writing it and I thought this would be a fun way to practice.  While we were doing it she definitely let me know it was messy and didn't seem like she enjoyed it but at dinner she told me she had fun.  Who knows, maybe she'll ask to do that again sometime soon.  It's kinda like painting her hand..at first she didn't like it but now she loves it even though it's messy.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Andrew's 1 Year Well Visit

 Today we had Andrew's 1 year well visit with Dr. Bleekrode.  Andrew did great at his appointment and below are his measurements and percentiles.
Height: 29 3/4 inches 50 percentile
Weight: 18 lbs. 13.5 oz. 5-10 percentile
Head: 47.5 cm. 75-90 percentile
Basically our little guy is average height but super skinny with a big head and we love every ounce of him.

Andrew is just changing everyday.  Now that he's getting older he usually doesn't nurse as long or fall asleep while nursing anymore.  So after he nurses at bedtime I ask him if he wants to read a book and he just smiles and looks over at his baskets of books. He actually lets me read him a book and he turns the pages.  Granted the books are short but I'm loving that he sits on my lap and listens to a book.  Then I ask for a kiss and he turns towards me with his mouth wide open...so cute.  Julia use to do the same thing and I always thought it was so cute and now Andrew does it too!  It's hilarious.

Happy Birthday Andrew

On Sunday we celebrated Andrew turning one!  It was such a special day as we remembered the day he was born and became part of our family.  We love you Andrew!

We all enjoyed a cookie cake for dessert.  It was yummy!

The grocery store Publix gives you a free smash cake for the first birthday. Of course it's a bonus that they use white frosting.

Looking handsome on his first birthday.

I printed 12 pictures of Andrew (one for each month) and of course Andrew had to try and pull it off the door.

Although the lion wasn't a birthday present it was the first time he sat on it and he loved it.  He thought he was so cool.

As soon as the cake came within reach Andrew reached out for it and grabbed some.

Just checking it out..not quite sure what to think.

Doing more exploring but not really eating it.

He still doesn't know what to think but tries some anyways.  

Trying some.  Actually he didn't really eat much...he mostly just played with it.

Oh no...what happened to my cake.

We love this little guy...he's such a happy and sweet little boy.

Looks like Andrew is trying to get Daddy messy with his cake filled hands.

Julia loved the cookie cake and here she is being sneaky so she can have another bite of cake.  Of course I wasn't helping as I was taking pictures of it all.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Pools Mill Park

We haven't been to Pools Mill Park in quite a while so we thought we would make a quick trip there on Saturday.  The one thing I love most about this park is the wooden covered bridge. Julia enjoyed walking across the bridge and I just thought about the time we went there shortly after Julia learned how to walk.  Strangely enough I remember what she was wearing and just being so proud of her accomplishments.

Andrew wasn't walking across the bridge but I bet he will be on our next visit to Pools Mill Park.

Julia really wanted to put her feet in the water so Thomas took her out to the rocks and walked around a bit.

Apparently the water was cold but Julia loved it.

Had to snap a photo of Julia and Andrew on the bridge.

We all enjoyed some fun on the playground..especially Andrew.

Julia enjoyed holding hands with Andrew and going down the slide with him.

Look at that smile.  Andrew absolutely loved the slide!  He was a little sad once we ended his fun on the playground.