Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Warmer Days

Enjoying the nice weather with Nana and Papa was lots of fun for the Brown family and a special treat for them since February is typically a cold month in New York. We were able to get outside for some walks around the neighborhood, a walk at the Greenway, and some fun at Fowler Park. Julia LOVED having her Nana and Papa in town and stayed up late waiting for them to get to our house on Saturday night. She said, 'Me can't wait' and stayed up until 10:00pm when they got here and visited for a bit and went to sleep after 11:00. She was definitely excited to see them!

Julia loves playing outside and going for walks. Such a cute and fun little girl.

Andrew and his big blue eyes. I love those big blue eyes!

1 comment:

  1. I had soooo much fun with you guys last week! Love the pictures. Can't wait to see you again. Love and Kisses to Julia and Andrew from Nana.
