Monday, February 6, 2012

Andrew 8 months old

Andrew turned 8 months old on February 3rd which happens to be Thomas' birthday. He's teething and even had a few rough nights of sleep since it was bothering him but sure enough a tooth showed up...hence waking up a few times a night. Nowadays Andrew is nursing at around 5am and goes back to bed until around 7am and nurses again, at around 10:30am he eats oatmeal and a fruit, nurses at 1:30, eats oatmeal and a vegetable at 5:00 and then nurses at 7pm and it's off to bed. He isn't crawling yet but pivots around and moves backward and forward a tiny bit. He likes watching Julia and she can really get him laughing. He loves playing with the basketball that Julia got him for Christmas. When playing with him he'll 'roll' it back to you and he likes to hit the ball and pick it up.

Such a cutie...we're very lucky to be his parents!

1 comment:

  1. He looks like such a boy! Very cute, I made it my screen saver. I think Andrew will be the all boy type. I can't wait to hold him.
