Thursday, February 9, 2012

Julia's 3 Year Well Visit

On Tuesday we had Julia's 3 year well visit with Dr. Bleekrode. Julia weighs 31 pounds (50th percentile) and 38 inches tall (75th percentile). One of our concerns has to do with her gross motor skills due to her low muscle tone but Dr. Bleekrode assured us she's fine. It will probably take her a little longer to do things which involve those muscles but she'll get there. Just last weekend she was doing some peddling on her own on her tricycle. We discussed her nap/sleep schedule as well and Julia was very happy since she didn't have to get any shots. The night before she told me she was worried about going to the doctor because she didn't want to get a shot...I think she remembers the time she had to give blood (3 vials) back in November when she had a fever for 11 days. I still can't believe our little girl is 3 years old...I remember going to see Dr. Bleekrode almost everyday the first week we were home since she was so little and not gaining weight. My goodness - time flies when you're having fun. We love you Julia!

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