Thursday, February 9, 2012

Letters & Numbers

Lately we've been doing some more work with letters and numbers. I guess the colder weather has been a great opportunity for us to do some learning activities. I just started having her practice writing the letters. She did such a great job writing the letter Aa, I was so impressed!

Using pompoms to represent the numbers 1-5 and then she took them off and we put stickers there instead.

Julia loves the do-a-dot markers! This is a picture of a palm tree with all 26 capital letters. I called out a letter and Julia found it and stamped it...she knew all of them! Way to go Julia! She used all of the colors but mostly pink since that's her favorite color. Then she carried it around for a few days. So cute!

Then we used stickers to go over the numbers. I did the green number zero to show Julia and then she made a pink and orange pattern for the number two. She continued to use stickers for the rest of the numbers up to nine. We're going to use the numbers to play some games but we haven't done that yet. She's been carrying her numbers around too, she even brought them with us to the grocery store the other day. She's always so proud of her work and we are too!

1 comment:

  1. Julia is hard at work again and you, too, Nicole. I agree with Kim. It is a lot of work to organize all that, I am so proud of you and alll you do for Julia and Andrew.
