Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

We had a great Labor Day Weekend! It was busy but we all had a great time. Saturday morning we went to see Miss Gail and the Jumping Jam Band play. She was playing at a festival at a church. After we listened to her we walked around and found a Home Depot tent set up where the kids could make a pencil holder, tool box, or coasters. Thomas thought the tool box would be best since Julia loves to put things into containers and carry them around. Julia and Daddy made the tool box with glue and a hammer and nails. Once it was put together Julia decided to pain it purple. She definitely enjoyed using the hammer and she's so proud of her tool box that she made with Daddy.

A quick photo of the boys before we headed to a tailgating party. Andrew was such a trooper at the party and stayed awake the whole time and wasn't at all grumpy. We only stayed for a few hours and never got to see the game but we still had fun!

We just got Julia a helmet for her tricycle and we're trying to get her to ride it more often to work on the muscles in her legs. Pedaling isn't that easy since her legs are still a bit short for the pedals. She'll sit on her bike (as she calls it) and let us push her or she'll push the bike herself. Since it was a rainy Monday we rode the bike in the garage instead.

Julia and Andrew look so cute sitting in Julia's chair and she's so nice to share it with him. Andrew recently found his hands so he often has them in his mouth. I must say I love the way Julia looks at Andrew...she just loves him. After our nightly dinner blessing the last thing Julia says before she eats is, "Love you Baby Andrew."


  1. Too cute for Thomas to be able to do that with little Julia and I love the fact that she chose purple, so Julia. Andrew and Julia in the pink chair is so adorable, he looks older and she does appear to show how much she loves her "Baby Andrew"

  2. Hey, I recognize the pants he has on, one of the ones I gave you with the little jacket, I am so glad that they fit him and he is able to use them already.
