Today was Julia's first day of ballet and she did fantastic! I just found out there was a ballet class for 2 year old kids so yesterday we signed her up and bought her tights and leotard and ordered her ballet shoes. She picked out the pretty pink leotard she's wearing in the shop called Tutu's & Tap's. She was quite excited once we signed her up and wanted to do it right then and not wait until the next day. I guess it's good that I didn't sign her up weeks ago.
A quick photo of Julia right before her class started at Cumming Dance Academy. She goes on Wednesdays from 11:00-11:45. The dance studio is close to Daddy's work, only a 7 minute walk, and he was able to meet us there and watch Julia take her first ballet class ever. Julia was quite excited he came to watch her dance.
Julia was a bit hesitant (along with two others) to go in the studio room without me so all of us moms went in for a few minutes and then walked out and watched from outside the room. Thomas and I were so impressed with how well Julia listened and followed directions. As you'll see in the following pictures she is always doing what her teacher, Miss Julie, is doing. We're real excited about her doing dance as I'm sure it will help strengthen her muscles. The pictures have a little glare because we were taking them through the glass doors but they came out pretty good.
Julia is such a good little student and doing just as the teacher is doing by rocking a baby.
Again Julia is sitting just like the teacher. Right now there are 5 girls in her class but one wasn't there today. The class starts in September and goes until May so more girls may join as the season continues but right now it's great that it's such a small group.
Miss Julie was impressed with how Julia was standing. Julia also did a great job of staying on the number that her teacher told her to stand on during class.
All the girls really enjoyed doing things with the sticks. Once they finished Julia wasn't interested in leaving the studio. We're definitely looking forward to ballet class next Wednesday at 11:00.
I think she looks just like a ballerina, and they are the most beautiful pictures of Julia that I have seen since her professional pictures.