Thursday, September 29, 2011

Look at Me!

Look at Andrew looking more and more like a big boy rather than a baby everyday. He's been doing great on his tummy...he's so strong. Nowadays he's really holding his head up higher and for much longer periods of time. Way to go Andrew...we love you!

Favorite Things

Julia absolutely LOVES Elmo, her baby, and Curious George. We always tell her she's such a good mommy to them since she's either feeding them, changing their diapers, taking them for a walk, or playing with them. It pretty nice since she got Elmo from her Grandma, and her baby from Aunt Kim and Uncle Bradley, and Curious George from Nana and Papa. She's one loved little girl and very lucky!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Big Smiles

Look at that big smile! We finally got a picture of Andrew giving a big smile. I was playing with him and Thomas took the picture. He was so focused on me that he didn't even notice the camera.

Another cute smile picture of Andrew. His smile just makes me smile! Too bad there wasn't audio because he was laughing too!

Tummy Time

Andrew is working hard during tummy time. Often times Julia will join him and we talk about how important it is for babies to spend some time on their tummy so their muscles get stronger. We clap and cheer for Andrew and yesterday I sang the wheels on the bus and did the motions along with it and he held his head way up high...I guess he liked that or he thought what is my silly mommy doing!

Doing tummy time alone...where's Julia?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wiggle Bug

It's hard to believe that Andrew is almost 4 months old. He's doing great and only waking up once a night around 2:30 to nurse and going every three hours during the day which has made it much easier for me. He usually wakes up around 6:30 to nurse and then he's so happy...just smiling and laughing. I tried to capture some of his smiles the other morning but whenever I take out the camera he just stares at it with a straight face but I managed to get a few from the many pictures I snapped. We tried getting a video of him laughing this weekend but didn't have any luck.

Cute little Andrew is such a wiggler that I may start calling him wiggle bug since Julia is love bug. As he gets older we're going to have a hard time changing his diaper since he's always wiggling. We feel so lucky to have him as part of our family of four!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First Day of Ballet

Today was Julia's first day of ballet and she did fantastic! I just found out there was a ballet class for 2 year old kids so yesterday we signed her up and bought her tights and leotard and ordered her ballet shoes. She picked out the pretty pink leotard she's wearing in the shop called Tutu's & Tap's. She was quite excited once we signed her up and wanted to do it right then and not wait until the next day. I guess it's good that I didn't sign her up weeks ago.

A quick photo of Julia right before her class started at Cumming Dance Academy. She goes on Wednesdays from 11:00-11:45. The dance studio is close to Daddy's work, only a 7 minute walk, and he was able to meet us there and watch Julia take her first ballet class ever. Julia was quite excited he came to watch her dance.

Julia was a bit hesitant (along with two others) to go in the studio room without me so all of us moms went in for a few minutes and then walked out and watched from outside the room. Thomas and I were so impressed with how well Julia listened and followed directions. As you'll see in the following pictures she is always doing what her teacher, Miss Julie, is doing. We're real excited about her doing dance as I'm sure it will help strengthen her muscles. The pictures have a little glare because we were taking them through the glass doors but they came out pretty good.

Julia is such a good little student and doing just as the teacher is doing by rocking a baby.

Again Julia is sitting just like the teacher. Right now there are 5 girls in her class but one wasn't there today. The class starts in September and goes until May so more girls may join as the season continues but right now it's great that it's such a small group.

Miss Julie was impressed with how Julia was standing. Julia also did a great job of staying on the number that her teacher told her to stand on during class.

All the girls really enjoyed doing things with the sticks. Once they finished Julia wasn't interested in leaving the studio. We're definitely looking forward to ballet class next Wednesday at 11:00.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

We saw Curious George!

This morning Julia, Andrew, and I headed down to Lenox Mall in Buckhead to see Curious George. He was at Pottery Barn Kids and since Julia loves the books and the show I decided the drive was well worth it. She didn't want to stand alone in the picture so I joined her while Andrew was in the stroller. When we got home she said she didn't want to be in the picture alone because she was scared...he was too big. Then she said I love my little Curious George. We definitely had fun on our adventure to see Curious George today.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sesame Street Live - Elmo's Super Heroes

Saturday afternoon we headed downtown for another showing of Sesame Street Live with Liam and his family. Andrew was such a good boy even though he had no idea what was going on.

Liam enjoyed the show and didn't take his eyes off the stage the whole time. We're not even sure if he don't want to miss anything when it's as good as Sesame Street Live.

Julia's reaction when Elmo came on stage was absolutely priceless. I'm so glad I was able to capture it so we could share it with you. She kept saying, "Look Mommy." Of course Julia brought her very own Elmo to enjoy the show as well.

Another photo that shows her excitement. Isn't it great to be a kid! Although I would say it's even better to be her parents and watch her be so excited.

A great shot of the stage and all the characters dancing. At the end of the show Julia said Goodbye Elmo, Goodbye Big Bird, Goodbye Cookie Monster, Goodbye Abby, Goodbye Zoe, Goodbye Oscar, and so on. Since she watched Sesame Street almost everyday or part of it, it was a real treat for her to get to see the characters live.

Julia and Liam enjoyed the binoculars that Daddy got for them. Julia has even tried wearing them to bed. Julia is all smiles and Liam looks so serious. Thanks to Liam's family for inviting us...we had a blast!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ready for Fall

This past week it got a little chilly and I had to snap a few photos of cute little Julia. I'm still so amazed by what a pretty little girl she has become. Looks like this week the weather is going to be a bit warmer (low 80's) so we'll be putting the sweater away for a little while.

Julia loves playing outside and the weather was perfect for running around and playing outdoors. I hope you enjoy the few photos I took the other day of our little love bug.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

We had a great Labor Day Weekend! It was busy but we all had a great time. Saturday morning we went to see Miss Gail and the Jumping Jam Band play. She was playing at a festival at a church. After we listened to her we walked around and found a Home Depot tent set up where the kids could make a pencil holder, tool box, or coasters. Thomas thought the tool box would be best since Julia loves to put things into containers and carry them around. Julia and Daddy made the tool box with glue and a hammer and nails. Once it was put together Julia decided to pain it purple. She definitely enjoyed using the hammer and she's so proud of her tool box that she made with Daddy.

A quick photo of the boys before we headed to a tailgating party. Andrew was such a trooper at the party and stayed awake the whole time and wasn't at all grumpy. We only stayed for a few hours and never got to see the game but we still had fun!

We just got Julia a helmet for her tricycle and we're trying to get her to ride it more often to work on the muscles in her legs. Pedaling isn't that easy since her legs are still a bit short for the pedals. She'll sit on her bike (as she calls it) and let us push her or she'll push the bike herself. Since it was a rainy Monday we rode the bike in the garage instead.

Julia and Andrew look so cute sitting in Julia's chair and she's so nice to share it with him. Andrew recently found his hands so he often has them in his mouth. I must say I love the way Julia looks at Andrew...she just loves him. After our nightly dinner blessing the last thing Julia says before she eats is, "Love you Baby Andrew."

Friday, September 2, 2011

Another Visit from Nana

Nana had so much fun on her first visit in July that she decided to come back before she had to start work again. We had lots of fun having her visit and she was a big help with cooking, cleaning up, and playing with Julia and Andrew. I think she was a bit surprised with how much Andrew had changed in just over a month.

Visit from Grandma

About two weeks ago my mom came into town for a week to spend some time with Julia and get to meet Andrew for the first time. Julia had fun having Grandma visit and we enjoyed spending some time catching up with her. We went to story time, did some shopping, went to an outdoor concert, had dinner with our neighbors, and had fun hanging out and just playing together.