This afternoon we headed to the new park near our house called Fowler Park. We've been there a few times but this was the first time we went as a whole family. We met some friends there who live down the street and they were doing a little kite flying until there two year old let go of it and it flew away and Thomas chased it down. Actually some other guy got it since there was a fence and it was headed towards the trees. All I could do was laugh as Thomas ran after the kite...quite a funny sight since it was pretty windy out. I had fun taking some photos of Julia and Daddy as we enjoyed the nice park that connects to the Big Creek Greenway.
Julia did a little swinging at the park too.
Julia and Daddy enjoying the nice park and all the area to run around.
Sitting in the circle and taking a moment to smile so Mommy can take a photo.
Julia liked running around in this circle and wasn't too interested in the playground today.
Julia is being silly and getting Daddy's hat.
Little love bug liked looking over the wall and pulling herself up. What a cute little bum.
love her running around in the circle and of course the little butt up in the air