Monday, April 18, 2011

1, 2, 3, GO!

Whenever we go outside Julia heads right for her playground. She always runs ahead of us and smiles and laughs and says 'swing' once she turns the corner and sees her swing.

Here's Julia giving Elmo a ride on the green swing or otherwise known as Elmo's swing. She has even tried out the big swing all by herself with me close by and ready in case she falls but she knows to hold on tight. Over the weekend she enjoyed throwing a ball down the hill and going to get it and then going back up and throwing the ball down the hill again. She did it over and over and laughed everytime the ball rolled down the hill.

Julia loves her swing as much now as she did when she was little and probably even more. Before we start she says '1, 2, 3, GO.' Lately we've been counting the pushes up to 10 and sometimes Elmo likes to count all by himself. Now that I think back to when we first got the swing we've learned many things while swinging such as lots of body parts like legs, arms, nose, eyes, tongue, etc. Nowadys we work on counting and saying the ABC's while swinging. We have lots of fun on the playground and we're so glad we have one in our backyard to enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. I love her swinging, it looks like so much fun and Grandpa and I will be sure to push Julia in her swing when we come to visit. I absolutely love her little white jeans skirt!!!!
