Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Visitors from Texas

We were so glad to see Aunt Kim and Uncle Brad since we haven't seen them since Christmas. It's been a really long time...we know! Aunt Kim is opening her birthday presents that I got from Elle B (I love that store) and Julia is helping...kinda.

Looks like everyone is enjoying Julia's Number Nursery Baby Einstein DVD. Uncle Brad looks like he's learning something too! It's Julia's favorite DVD.

Julia and Elmo are hanging out with her godparents.

Saying goodbye to Aunt Kim. Good thing we get to see her again at the end of October for her baby shower in Houston. Of course Elmo is in the picture too!

1 comment:

  1. very cute, I love her little face, I just want to kiss her whenever I see her picture

    Nana :)
