Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mommy's Helper

Julia's such a great helper! Here she is helping me empty the dishwasher, something we do every other morning. She use to hand the silverware to me and I'd put it away but now she likes to put it into the drawers. Since she sees me put things away in different drawers, she does the same thing. It's so funny watching her imitate me. She always helps me with the laundry and putting away the groceries too! Although I must say lately she likes to jump on the pile of clean clothes as I'm folding them, not much help but lots of fun!


  1. I want a helper just like that, so cute and eager to help. She will be helping bake xmas cookies before we know it!!!!


  2. I know and we can't wait for her to help with that. After dinner tonight she was helping put things back in the refrigerator and telling me more. She LOVES to help out!
