Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mommy's Helper

Julia's such a great helper! Here she is helping me empty the dishwasher, something we do every other morning. She use to hand the silverware to me and I'd put it away but now she likes to put it into the drawers. Since she sees me put things away in different drawers, she does the same thing. It's so funny watching her imitate me. She always helps me with the laundry and putting away the groceries too! Although I must say lately she likes to jump on the pile of clean clothes as I'm folding them, not much help but lots of fun!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kiss Me

Last weekend we went to Suwanee Day after Sesame Street Live and a nap. They had tents set up with vendors selling things, inflatables, food, and music. We walked around a little and then ate at Ippolito's and then sat and listened to some music. The band that was playing was called Edens Edge and they were great, they sounded like the Dixie Chicks. Julia liked the music and would always clap when a song ended. We enjoyed the music so much that we bought one of their CD's. On the way home we listened to it and one song is called 'Kiss Me.' Whenever they said that in the song Julia would put her finger on her cheek and want you to give her a kiss. That was the best car ride ever! It was so cute and she still does the same thing when I play it at home.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sesame Street Live

This morning we went to see Sesame Street Live and it was great! We've been telling Julia everyday for about a week now that she was going to see the real Elmo. We arrived early so we could buy a souvenir, eat a snack, and walk around a bit. Here's Julia and Liam checking out Elmo and of course Julia has her own Elmo, can't leave home without him.

Daddy got in the picture with Elmo too!

Julia enjoyed walking around before the show with her new spinner toy.

Having the perfect snack for today - Elmo and Big Bird crackers and playing with her spinner. A lady at the post office told me yesterday that she (Julia) would brighten any sad day and it's so true. She's just so cute and makes everything better...she really is a joy.

Only a few minutes until showtime and Julia has no idea what's in store for her. She only sat in the chair for a few minutes, she mostly just sat on our laps.

The look on her face was priceless during the show. She was so excited! She kept pointing at herself and then the characters...her way of saying she wanted to go see them on stage.

Here's many of the characters, of course Elmo is her favorite and who wouldn't like Big Bird. We like Abby too since she's very girly!

Another action shot of the characters right before they did a parade.

Back at home playing with my spinner toy before naptime. It was a fun day and Julia was sad once the show ended and Liam had tears in his eyes once it was over...he was quite upset. They both had a great time! Thanks to Katie and Preston for invting us!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Visitors from Texas

We were so glad to see Aunt Kim and Uncle Brad since we haven't seen them since Christmas. It's been a really long time...we know! Aunt Kim is opening her birthday presents that I got from Elle B (I love that store) and Julia is helping...kinda.

Looks like everyone is enjoying Julia's Number Nursery Baby Einstein DVD. Uncle Brad looks like he's learning something too! It's Julia's favorite DVD.

Julia and Elmo are hanging out with her godparents.

Saying goodbye to Aunt Kim. Good thing we get to see her again at the end of October for her baby shower in Houston. Of course Elmo is in the picture too!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Big Creek Greenway

Yesterday Julia and I went to the Big Creek Greenway for a little walk. Lately she loves the jogging stroller we got from our neighbors so I knew she would enjoy a walk if she was in the stroller. On our way back Julia got out and did some walking herself. She enjoyed watching people go by on their bikes. Now that the weather is going to get a little cooler we may have to go once or twice a week and get some exercise.

Julia really enjoyed looking at the stream below. It hardly had any water but just enough to make it interesting. If you look close enough, you can even see the scrap on her knee from when she fell the other day in the driveway.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Lately we've been finding lots of acorns in our backyard so we decided to collect them. Julia finds a ton by the playground so we put them in the bucket so they wouldn't get lost. You can see her cute new shoes she just got - they're a little big so they should fit for a while.

Julia uses her muscles so she can carry the bucket of acorns, it's kinda heavy!

Showing mommy the prettiest acorn in her collection.

Monday, September 6, 2010


I've been looking for an Elmo for Julia for a little while but could never find one I liked. I just wanted a stuffed animal Elmo and not Tickle Me Elmo or one that danced but one she could take with her to sleep that looked like Elmo (some of them don't look good). I looked at Babies R Us, Toys R Us, Target, Walmart, and a few other places. When talking with my mom she said Lord & Taylor had a huge Sesame Street section so Grandma was now on the hunt for the perfect Elmo. When Julia got up from her nap on Friday the package with Elmo arrived and was waiting for her. Julia was so excited when she opened it and she's been playing with Elmo ever since.

Does she look happy or what? Thanks Grandma for finding the perfect Elmo for Julia...she loves it!