Saturday, March 12, 2016

Sweet Treats Birthday Party

Julia went to her best friends Haleigh's birthday party from Kindergarten.  The girls had so much fun making all kinds of sweet treats.  Still such good buddies even though they usually only see each other quickly during lunch or in the hallway.

First up...making bark.

Next up...dipping Oreo cookies in chocolate.

Such good friends!

Next up was using colored chocolate to make flowers.

Hard at work!

Now they're dipping pretzel sticks in chocolate.

Then rolling them in sprinkles.

Now they're making graham cracker cookies decorated with marshmallow flowers.

The chocolate on the Oreo cookies is hardened and now it's time to decorate them.

Wow look at all those treats Julia made and ready to take home!  Such a fun birthday party!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! Little girls at that age love to bake. Those treats look very yummy to me. I bet Julia shared some of those with Andrew when she got home. She is always good like that. Happy birthday Haleigh!
